*°:⋆ₓₒ About Me ₓₒ⋆:°*

“I have to work harder than anyone else to make it!” – Izuku Midoriya

*°:⋆ₓₒ BYF ₓₒ⋆:°*

I'm a multishipper & pro 'dark fiction'

Here's some shit you might wanna know about me and my page.

What to Expect

Just because something is
listed on this page does not mean it
has been drawn or ever will be.
Following me means twitter may
show you my likes, and these
are themes/ships that can be
shown there.

Content Warnings

  • Emeto (vomit)

  • Piss/Omorashi

  • CGL/Littlespace (nsfw&sfw)

  • Brocon/Incest

  • Student x teacher

  • Underage

  • Non/Dubcon

  • Gore

  • Abuse

Some Ships You'll See

  • KRBK

  • BKDK

  • KacChako

  • KiriKacChako

  • IzuKacChako

  • KiriKami

  • KamiBaku

  • BakuSero

  • MinaBaku

  • SeroMina

  • And More!!

my art does not reflect my real life preferences. It's just art.

Here we believe art for what it is. Purely fiction. No one and no thing is being hurt in art as they are not real.
This means you may see some problematic topics explored, and that's okay!
Dark fiction is a healthy thing to explore and can often be therapeutic for some, either as a form of coping due to trauma or as a measure to stave off harm to real living breathing people.

Please keep that in mind when viewing page.

I am a survivor.
It has left me with lasting trauma and intrusive thoughts of the incident despite the many years passed, and while many survivors use the creation and consumption of certain media to cope, I simply enjoy these themes as something fun and interesting to explore.

Fiction is not equal to reality.
My fictional interests do not reflect real-life preference.
Not for me and not for my commissioners.

Due to this, I highly request that pro-contact pedophiles/MAPs do NOT interact with me or my page.

I am more than happy to allow my art to be used to help anti-contact pedophiles/MAPs stay on the right path and assist in coping with their disorder, as I highly sympathize as someone actively seeking a career in the field of psychology and interested in the neurobiology of sexual disorders and addictions.

I do consider the purposeful consumption, creation, and solicitation of CSEM to be contact and therefore request you do not interact.

CW: Clinical Talk about Pedophilia

This might be upsetting to read
Click the Kitty to go back home!

People may not like my views on no-contact/anti-contact pedophiles, and I respect that.
I view pedophilia for what it is, which is a mental disorder, and like any other disorder: They need a healthy way to cope.

I do not condone Child Sexual Assault/Abuse.
I do not condone the view that 'children can consent'.
I do not support nor like the 'MAP' community as it currently is.
I do not condone literally breaking the fucking law and traumatizing a living breathing child.

People diagnosed with Pedophilia, or people with glaring symptoms of this disorder, should not be shamed to the point where they fear seeking help.

Only about 50% of all individuals who do sexually abuse children are pedophilic
There are many other disorders that lead to the sexual abuse of a child.
These people lack empathy, they do not feel guilty for what they did.

According to the DSM5's diagnostic critera for pedophilic disorder:
"The fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning"

Pedophilic disorder isn't a preference or a choice.
This is distressing to those affected.

Resource Credit:

These are resources I may have referenced that have been checked and backed by my Psychologist, someone who has not only taught classes and done seminars on sexual disorders and addiction, but has had hands on experience in the field of sexual disorders.

*°:⋆ₓₒ Other Stuff ₓₒ⋆:°*

Work Schedule

Mon - 10am-6pm
Tues - 10am-6pm
Wed - 10am-6pm
Thurs - 10am-1pm
Fri - 10am-6pm

Sat & Sun - Off